Bulk Ingredient Diced Tomatoes

Diced Tomatoes in Juice
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Liberty Packing Company, Morning Star’s Santa Nella facility located in central California, processes our industrial diced tomatoes. Our tomatoes thrive in this region’s climate consisting of long hot days and cool nights, ideal weather for better color and a more flavorful vine-ripened tomato. Our diced tomato products bring consistent quality and freshness to meet the needs of customers seeking delicious, authentic California diced tomatoes.

Once our vine-ripened tomatoes arrive from the field, we grade them for quality before unloading them into our flumes that transport them through several sorting phases to ensure we use only the highest quality tomatoes. These premium tomatoes continue on to be peeled, sorted again, then diced. Next comes the calcium bath, which is very important to maintaining the firmness of the diced tomato; however, certain products exclude this process. At long last, the diced tomatoes and their juices, collected along the journey, are reunited in batch tanks for blending before they pass on through the intricate sterilization and cooling process prior to packaging.

We hold our diced tomato processing to the highest standards to meet all of our customer specifications. Our bulk ingredient diced tomato products consist of the following:

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