Did you ever wonder exactly how Morning Star thrives without a formal management structure — no titles, no vice-presidents, no organizational charts? The December 2011 issue of Harvard Business Review will help you understand how Morning Star employees coordinate, innovate and succeed without cumbersome bosses.
For its cover story, the distinguished magazine gives detailed insight into our ideals and vision. It outlines the benefits of self-management (like not paying for managers) and the tools we use to coordinate activities. The article titled “First, Let’s Fire All the Managers” provides a road map for other companies wanting to implement self-management into their business models.

Morning Star Newsletter now distributed electronically
As a reminder, Morning Star is now distributing our newsletters electronically using an email distribution vendor called Mailchimp. Your e-version will now include informative Morning Star videos and highlights. Depending on your company's firewall, these emails may initially be directed to you spam folder.