For the United States and a few additional countries, March represents Women’s History Month. This declaration first began in 1978 as “Women’s History Day,” right in our very own backyard in Sonoma County, California. By 1987 the United States declared the entire month of March “Women’s History Month.”

2022 brought new cause for reflection and celebration as March 24 was declared National Women in Agriculture Day. Morning Star employs over 500 women during peak times, both seasonal and full-time, making this dedication near and dear to us. We traveled around our factories to commemorate, interviewing female colleagues to see just what they found unique and most enjoyable about working for Morning Star.

Morning Star Newsletter now distributed electronically

As a reminder, Morning Star is now distributing our newsletters electronically using an email distribution vendor called Mailchimp. Your e-version will now include informative Morning Star videos and highlights. Depending on your company’s firewall, these emails may initially be directed to you spam folder.

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