Conversion Note: 1 metric ton = 1.102 short tons

World Processed Tomato Production Weather around the world has not cooperated with the tomato growers. Forecasts are down from the spring, according to the World Processing Tomato Council’s July 30 report.

The global crop forecast of 38.055 million metric tons is 10.5% below last year’s production.

Most of the decline was planned in response to excess supply after last year’s 42.5 million MT bumper crop, but the inclement weather is creating greater decreases.


The most drastic weather reported comes from the Xinjiang region of China. For 10 hours in the middle of May, snow fell on the Yanqi basin (southern Xinjiang province) which produces 16% of the total Chinese crop.

Although the most drastic example, this is not the only challenging weather faced by Chinese growers. Cold and rain throughout most of the planting season delayed the Chinese crop and may create bunching.

China’s forecast is 7.65 million MT down 12% from last year’s 8.7 million MT.


Fields in northern Italy were battered by high volumes of rain during transplanting in May. Then in the middle of June winter arrived, bringing cold temperatures, rain and some hail.

In July, summer hit with a vengeance. Northern Italy suffered under a heat wave that withered vines, causing some blooms to drop. As a result, the crop’s harvest was delayed several weeks and not running at capacity by the end of July. Some are guess‐ ing that the volume will be down 15‐20% in the region.

The country’s paste production is concentrated in the northern region so the harsh weather will effect global supplies of paste. Italy’s forecast is at 4.8 million MT, down 16% from last year.

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