Colleague Aaron Giampietro is back with another Tomato Bites by Morning Star update.

Natural gas prices have been rising for some time, but the most stunning trends have occurred this past June and July. Reduced Russian gas flows set off an LNG (Supercooled Liquid Natural Gas) global export boom to fill natural gas demand gaps. It was short-lived due to the early July fire at the Texas Freeport LNG Export facility. US natural gas storage was expected to rebound; however, most of the US experienced record high temperatures soon after that, forcing Natural Gas peaker plants to meet the surge in demand.

Morning Star Newsletter now distributed electronically

As a reminder, Morning Star is now distributing our newsletters electronically using an email distribution vendor called Mailchimp. Your e-version will now include informative Morning Star videos and highlights. Depending on your company’s firewall, these emails may initially be directed to you spam folder.

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